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1 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 11:39:20am

He’s always been comfortable being a bigot. And O’Reilly needs to stop it with this “You’re a bad person if you or your kid is born out of wedlock.” Yes, I think it helps if the mother is in a committed relationship but this shaming has to stop. And it obviously didn’t do O’Reilly himself any good because he’s a classless shithead.

2 Buck  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 11:47:46am

“You’re a bad person if you or your kid is born out of wedlock.”

That is not what he said.
Not even close.

However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion that a 70%+ rate of fatherless households has no negative influence over the community.

See what I did there? I changed what you said and made it seem like you said something you didn’t. Only I didn’t go so far as to put it in quotes.

3 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 11:53:04am

What is said and what is heard are very often two different things.

Lawyers, Advertisers and Snake Oil salesmen depend on it.

4 Mateo Scrounge  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 11:57:03am
“White people don’t force black people to have babies out of wedlock,” O’Reilly concluded.

At least, not till we get those post-6-week abortion bans passed.

5 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 11:57:12am

Here’s what’s worse. This lie right here.

“When was the last time you saw a public service ad telling young black girls to avoid becoming pregnant?

All the time. The left-wing fights, constantly for increased awareness campaigns, contraceptive campaigns, etc. The right constantly fights against them. The black community delivers sermons, they have advocacy groups, they do lectures in school, they know it’s a problem and they speak out against it.

O’Reilly doesn’t know this because he’s a horrible bigot who has fucked up ideas of what black people are like. He’s kind of insane— when he admitted he was shocked that in a black restaurant black people weren’t acting like his racist caricature of them I thought maybe he’d have a moment of realization of what that meant, but nope, he’s just gone right on being a fucking racist.

6 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 12:15:42pm

re: #2 Buck

“You’re a bad person if you or your kid is born out of wedlock.”

That is not what he said.
Not even close.

However, you are certainly entitled to your opinion that a 70%+ rate of fatherless households has no negative influence over the community.

See what I did there? I changed what you said and made it seem like you said something you didn’t. Only I didn’t go so far as to put it in quotes.

You;’re right. He didn’t say that. He just stereotyped a whole group of people to rationalize his prejudice. And I wasn’t quoting him, it was a paraphrase using quotes of the usual crap we hear from people like him that you’re somehow an unfit parent if you have a child out of wedlock. Did he lecture the Palin family when their daughter had a kid out of wedlock? Seems to me that his outrage at this is only directed at African American families and that makes him a bigot. And what about his bs call to the AA community about not having kids out of wedlock? He completely ignores that Sharpton, Jackson, and the other AA leaders he wants to blame have addressed this. It’s the right not the left in this country that is making responsible birth control usage taboo.

7 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 12:17:24pm

re: #5 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Here’s what’s worse. This lie right here.

All the time. The left-wing fights, constantly for increased awareness campaigns, contraceptive campaigns, etc. The right constantly fights against them. The black community delivers sermons, they have advocacy groups, they do lectures in school, they know it’s a problem and they speak out against it.

O’Reilly doesn’t know this because he’s a horrible bigot who has fucked up ideas of what black people are like. He’s kind of insane— when he admitted he was shocked that in a black restaurant black people weren’t acting like his racist caricature of them I thought maybe he’d have a moment of realization of what that meant, but nope, he’s just gone right on being a fucking racist.

Yes this.

8 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 12:31:43pm

I guess I shouldn’t have used quotes but that aside O’Reilly is not just spreading a racial stereotype, he’s also lying about the AA community when he says that no one in that community has made using responsible birth control a conversation topic. That’s far more grievous than my wrong use of quotes to paraphrase the crux of what he was saying. Really, if you want people to stop having kids out of wedlock. Fine embrace and stop acting like widely available birth control is so terrible. O’Reilly needs to talk to the right about that though and not he left because as I already it’s not the left that has parts of it that find Griswold and Eisenstadt to be bad judicial decisions.

9 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 12:55:49pm

When people start talking about having babies out of wedlock (i.e. fornication), I usually ask if they were virgins when they got married. “and, how many times have you been married?”

10 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 1:01:16pm

re: #9 FemNaziBitch

When people start talking about having babies out of wedlock (i.e. fornication), I usually ask if they were virgins when they got married. “and, how many times have you been married?”

The old “It was okay for me but not for thee.” It’s frankly why absistance only education is a joke. Hearing “don’t have pre-martial sex” from an adult who chances are probably did. Plus there’s the old issue about tabooing something and thus making it more appealing. I really think if we didn’t scare young people about sex and sexual relations, we would have less cases of teen pregnancies.

11 Mateo Scrounge  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 1:06:36pm

re: #9 FemNaziBitch

When people start talking about having babies out of wedlock (i.e. fornication), I usually ask if they were virgins when they got married. “and, how many times have you been married?”

Yup. During a discussion on a hunting forum about Sandra Fluke, where most of the guys were saying women should keep their legs shut, I asked how many of them were virgins when they got married.

ONE GUY responded that he had been. Everyone else? Crickets.

12 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 1:13:29pm

re: #11 GeneJockey

Yup. During a discussion on a hunting forum about Sandra Fluke, where most of the guys were saying women should keep their legs shut, I asked how many of them were virgins when they got married.

ONE GUY responded that he had been. Everyone else? Crickets.

It should be pointed out again Re: Fluke that she was speaking on behalf of a friend who suffered from cervical cysts and said friend needed the contraceptive benefits to help the pain those entail. I think that was the most maddening thing about the whole Fluke is a slut shit, she wasn’t asking for free birth control because she wanted to fuck around with anyone and anywho. But of course Limbaugh being the pig that he is made it about that and people still believe that to this day even if they were bothered by the slut comments.

13 FemNaziBitch  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 1:15:13pm

re: #12 HappyWarrior

It should be pointed out again Re: Fluke that she was speaking on behalf of a friend who suffered from cervical cysts and said friend needed the contraceptive benefits to help the pain those entail. I think that was the most maddening thing about the whole Fluke is a slut shit, she wasn’t asking for free birth control because she wanted to fuck around with anyone and anywho. But of course Limbaugh being the pig that he is made it about that and people still believe that to this day even if they were bothered by the slut comments.

And who cares if she wanted to fuck around?

14 HappyWarrior  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 1:18:12pm

re: #13 FemNaziBitch

And who cares if she wanted to fuck around? The point is to prevent unwanted pregnancy —and the misery that results.

You’ll get no argument from me on that front either. The whole neo-puritanism some of us have about sex and sexual relations weirds me out. And yeah there’s no shame in wanting to prevent unwanted pregnancies but to the nuts that’s somehow “hedonism” and “selfish.”

15 celticdragon  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 1:49:07pm

re: #5 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Here’s what’s worse. This lie right here.

All the time. The left-wing fights, constantly for increased awareness campaigns, contraceptive campaigns, etc. The right constantly fights against them. The black community delivers sermons, they have advocacy groups, they do lectures in school, they know it’s a problem and they speak out against it.

O’Reilly doesn’t know this because he’s a horrible bigot who has fucked up ideas of what black people are like. He’s kind of insane— when he admitted he was shocked that in a black restaurant black people weren’t acting like his racist caricature of them I thought maybe he’d have a moment of realization of what that meant, but nope, he’s just gone right on being a fucking racist.

I stopped watching him for good back in 2006 when he blamed black residents in New Orleans for their own deaths during Katrina. He insinuated that the virtuous people all did fine because they had the good sense to somehow not be poor and therefore have means to leave the city…and that everybody who could not get out therefore deserved what they got because of poor decisions earlier in life.

That was the last time I watched his show.

16 Mateo Scrounge  Tue, Jul 23, 2013 4:07:38pm

re: #12 HappyWarrior

It should be pointed out again Re: Fluke that she was speaking on behalf of a friend who suffered from cervical cysts and said friend needed the contraceptive benefits to help the pain those entail. I think that was the most maddening thing about the whole Fluke is a slut shit, she wasn’t asking for free birth control because she wanted to fuck around with anyone and anywho. But of course Limbaugh being the pig that he is made it about that and people still believe that to this day even if they were bothered by the slut comments.

Slutshaming never gets old for some people.

But for me, the most aggravating part of that was the tacit acceptance of the concept that employer-provided healthcare coverage is some gift from the employer, rather than compensation the YOU earn and thus that YOU should control. Nobody would accept their employer telling them what they could and could not buy with their wages, so why should other forms of compensation be different?

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